People groups: 428

Population: 236,921,140

Unreached people groups: 342

UPG population: 229,617,015

Unengaged UPGs: 183

UUPG population: 11,275,640

Number of clusters: 13

Number of countries: 27


Overview: The origins of the principal ethnic groups of Southeast Asia and the interactions between them are complex. Included within this affinity bloc are the major language families of the Tai (the Thai of Thailand being the largest), the Mon-Khmer (the Khmer Cambodians being the largest), the Hmong (of northern Laos and southern China) and the Vietnamese. The Thai, Khmer, Lao and Vietnamese all live in the fertile lowlands, while many smaller peoples have migrated and settled in the many less fertile mountains.

  -- Patrick Johnstone, The Future of the Global Church, p. 212

People clusters: Bouyei; Cham; Lao; Li; Miao / Hmong; Mon-Khmer; Other Southeast Asian; Shan; Tai; Thai; Vietnamese; Yao-Mien; Zhuang

Countries where they are found: Angola; Argentina; Australia; Cambodia; Canada; China; Czechia; France; French Guiana; Germany; India; Laos; Malaysia; Martinique; Myanmar; Netherlands; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Russian Federation; Singapore; Taiwan; Thailand; United Kingdom; United States; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Vietnam

People groups: 428

Population: 236,921,140

Unreached people groups: 342

UPG population: 229,617,015

Unengaged UPGs: 183

UUPG population: 11,275,640

Number of clusters: 13

Number of countries: 27