Photo courtesy of Joshua Project. By Lon&Queta - Flickr
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People groups: 56
Population: 4,063,625
Unreached people groups: 10
UPG population: 495,000
Unengaged UPGs: 1
UUPG population: 1,000
Number of countries: 9
Affinity Bloc: Latin-Caribbean Americans
Overview: The Central American Indigenous people cluster encompasses indigenous peoples of Central America who are not classified within other people clusters, notably the Zapoteco, Mixteco, Maya, Aztec, Otomi, or Hispanic clusters that account for most Central American peoples.
Peoples within this cluster: Achi, Cubulco; Aguacatec; Bribri; Buglere; Cakchiquel; Chichimeca-Jonaz; Chirripo; Cocopah; Garifuna; Huave, San Francisco del Mar; Huave, San Mateo del Mar; Ixcateco; Ixil, San Juan Cotzal; Kiliwa; Kumiai; Kuna, San Blas; Lenca; Matlatzinca, San Francisco de los Ranchos; Mayo; Miskito; Naso; Paipai; Pame Central; Pame, Northern; Part-Indian, Spanish; Paya; Purepecha; Purepecha, Western Highland; Seri; Sumu; Tepehua, Huehuetla; Tepehua, Pisa Flores; Tepehua, Tlachichilco; Tepehuan, Northern; Tepehuan, Southeastern; Tlapanec, Acatepec; Tlapanec, Azoyu; Totonac, Highland; Totonac, Papantla; Totonac, Yecuatla; Tzutujil, Eastern; Uspantec
Countries where they are found: Costa Rica; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; United States
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